Grenades give you many opportunities to disrupt enemies, throw them around, or kill them outright.
This category also offers Proximity Mines, giving you even more dirty tricks to draw upon
COST: 500
Fragmentation Grenades are
quite common in the single-
player part of the game. You
should be quite comfortable
with them before long.
These devices explode and
deliver a fair bit of damage
to people standing close to
them. Those farther out aren’t likely to get killed, but they’ll still take some damage.
One perk beyond this damage is that people are blown out of their cover briefl y. Pick
off the wounded targets as quickly as possible. They aren’t dumb enough to stay in
the open for long!
COST: 300
Tear Grenades are more
disruptive than Smoke
Grenades, but they don’t
cover as wide an area.
Instead of giving the
thrower cover, consider
them a means to take away
opportunities from a single
target or small group. Instead of trying takedowns, you would normally pair Tear
Grenades with a high-fi re-rate weapon. Disrupt the targets and then pepper them
with gunfi re.
Flash Grenades are free.
Everybody starts with them,
and they’re still rather
useful. People lose their
sight for a few moments after
the explosion, and that gives
you time to fi nd new cover,
rush in for a takedown, or
escape entirely. Most human players are smart enough to seek full cover as soon
as a Flash Grenade detonates, even if it hits them. Thus, you won’t get too many free
kills without additional work. Targets will hide and wait for the effect to wear off
before they show themselves.
Use your time wisely. Don’t remain in the same spot doing the same thing as when
the grenade blew up. Sow confusion as quickly as you can to gain the greatest
COST: 300
These are the least lethal
type of grenade. They’re
useful for sneaky characters
and takedown specialists.
It’s harder for both sides
of a fi ght to fi re effectively
through the smoke. Thus,
people who are moving
instead of fi ghting get the most benefi t. Charge through open areas after deploying
smoke, or use the time to close the gap with short-range enemies.
COST: 500
In many ways, Concussion
Grenades are easier to use
than even Frag Grenades.
These weapons disable
targets so badly that they
can’t retake cover or defend
themselves for a short time.
Good short- or medium-
range attackers can score kills quite easily by throwing Concussion Grenades and
preying on anyone who can’t get out of the way.
Remember to hold onto the grenades until late in the throw. You want the device to
detonate almost as soon as it lands.
COST: 800
Proximity Mines are one of
the deadliest choices in your
“grenade” repertoire. You
lose the ability to deploy the
weapons on the fl y. Instead,
you must anticipate enemy
activity and deploy the
weapons ahead of time. That
isn’t as hard as it sounds. People are somewhat predictable creatures, especially on
maps where the goals are quite clear.
Approaches to major weapon locations, chokepoints, and corners are all ideal for
Proximity Mine deployment. Some players will take Explosive Awareness, which is
critical to helping a team avoid these traps.
If you’re going to use Proximity Mines, consider going all out. Take the Prox Mines
gadget and Explosives Expert. Combined, these make for a cruel demolitionist.
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