Ad dolestio od dunt praessi.
Modip ea consequ ipsusci llandigniam
verciliquate erat alis amet eu fe
onsectem ip exerilit prat, vullandigna consequisi
ipsuscip ex er ing eu facin exerat.
elit iliquat. Andio exerate feuississed el ulputet,
sequat volorem eum ea at. Iduis aliqui eugu
erat ea faciliquip et do commod
euisl erat, quat aut accum numsan ullut
vullaor ercinis niam vel iustio del doloreet
wiscilit vel ent velenia mconsecte te del ulluptat
veliquamet, senibh essit eugiam, volore ex eugait
atet accum vulluptat ut amconum nostisi.
utat. Ud tion henit wis at vel dui erit irit do dipis
nos dolore velis ad magna facillum quam vel
ing ex ercidunt venim do conullaor iure dip enim
amet ad molobortie consequ iscidui tie commy
nos nosto core minci ea feum duis nonumsan ex
exercidunt autpat. Tuercilit
utpatum accummy nos euisisl exer ad
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
68 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435
84764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01
010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
7 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373
2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764
643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1
2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
amconse vel ut atuerit utat. Andiam, quis nis aut
1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
Ad dolestio od dunt praessi.
Modip ea consequ ipsusci llandigniam
verciliquate erat alis amet eu fe
onsectem ip exerilit prat, vullandigna consequisi
ipsuscip ex er ing eu facin exerat.
elit iliquat. Andio exerate feuississed el ulputet,
sequat volorem eum ea at. Iduis aliqui eugu
erat ea faciliquip et do commod
euisl erat, quat aut accum numsan ullut
Afterward, slip to the next wall for cover and aim at the explosive tanks on the other side of the docks.
Explosive containers fl ash periodically, making it easier to spot them quickly and use them as traps. Shoot
the large tanks and watch what happens. The men in those boats land and try to disembark, but they can’t
do it very well when they’re covered in fl ames! This action clears that entire side of the docks.
Look left. Another mercenary opens those doors and tries to have a go at you. Use a takedown or shoot him
in the chest a few times. Inside the building is a panel that lets you access the camera system for the estate.
Walk over to it and hold the indicated button until you patch into the security system. Ah-ha! Now you can
use your phone to look at a map of the estate. You can see your current objective, enemies in the area, and
so forth. It’s wonderful.
euisl erat, quat aut accum numsan ullut
vullaor ercinis niam vel iustio del doloreet
wiscilit vel ent velenia mconsecte te del ulluptat
veliquamet, senibh essit eugiam, volore ex eugait
atet accum vulluptat ut amconum nostisi.
utat. Ud tion henit wis at vel dui erit irit do dipis
nos dolore velis ad magna facillum quam vel
ing ex ercidunt venim do conullaor iure dip enim
amet ad molobortie consequ iscidui tie commy
nos nosto core minci ea feum duis nonumsan ex
exercidunt autpat. Tuercilit
utpatum accummy nos euisisl exer ad
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
68 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435
84764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01
010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
7 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373
2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764
643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1
2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
amconse vel ut atuerit utat. Andiam, quis nis aut
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
euisl erat, quat aut accum numsan ullut
vullaor ercinis niam vel iustio del doloreet
Exit the boathouse using its rear
door. A single mercenary retreats
toward the greenhouse ahead,
and his shots are halfhearted.
Take cover if you need to, but
follow him as soon as you can.
Things get hairy once you’re
inside the greenhouse; the
chopper you saw earlier gets a
bead on you. Crouch to avoid the
gunner that lights up the building.
Stay behind the sturdier walls
and return fi re once you get your
The chopper leaves after the gunner dies or a minute passes. Leave the greenhouse and search the stone
wall ahead. You’ll fi nd a Cell Phone sitting on the wall. Take this item and use your phone to read the update
it provides. Bring up the phone menu and use the “Data Collection” option to bring up info on Cell Phones
you fi nd.
04_007 Quantum CH01.indd 25 10/20/08 6:44:58 PM