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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
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2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764
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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1
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Through bad luck or unfortunate timing, You are spotted right off the bat. You can’t slip through the fi rst
area without taking out a few of the enemies. Luckily, they aren’t well armed and you have everything you
need to neutralize them.
Take a look around the garden. There are enemies on the terrace below you (four gunmen), but there is
so much cover that you can take shelter almost immediately. Work with the controls and get a feel for
everything. Press the button to get behind cover, and then try out aiming, switching weapons, and moving
around. This area features an active tutorial that explains which buttons to use for these functions.
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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
68 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435
84764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01
010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
7 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373
2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764
643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1
2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
amconse vel ut atuerit utat. Andiam, quis nis aut
Directly in front of you is a SAF .45, a submachine gun with a high rate of fi re and moderate damage. It packs
a lot more punch than your P99. Pick up the new weapon and switch to it once you’re behind cover.
When you’re ready, aim at the nearest two gunmen and shoot them. Though you don’t have to go for
headshots, these two are mostly behind cover. It’s actually easier to hit them in the head or arms, as their
bodies are well protected most of the time.
Notice that enemies aren’t infi nitely patient. They’ll switch positions periodically, sometimes trying to get a
better angle against you. It would be far worse if these folks had grenades—luckily none of these guys does.
04_007 Quantum CH01.indd 23 10/20/08 6:44:14 PM