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Game Modes
There are seven modes of multiplayer combat in Quantum of Solace. These span a variety of themes. Some
of the challenges are team-based, while others are designed for pure free-for-all carnage.
This is a bomb-defusing challenge. The maps
center around several bomb locations, marked
with a blue circle and B1, B2, B3, and so on in this
guide’s maps. Bond players are on Mi6’s side. They
must reach these blue locations and disarm the
bombs. The other players are on the Organization
team. They are on defense.
Equipment load-outs are basic, and the major
focus is on teamwork and positioning. The Mi6
agents should study their maps and learn the bomb
locations like the backs of their hands. Do this while
you wait for a match to begin.
If the defenders spread out and cover all bombs,
hit a single bomb with full force. By the time the
defenders realize what’s happening, Mi6 will be in a
position of strength and the bomb won’t last.
If defenders cover one or two of the bombs
extremely well, hit the target that isn’t under
their full protection. Always keep an eye on
the defenders and where they’re moving. For
tough matches, use mind games to get an edge.
When your team slams into a single point, more
defenders will come to assist, likely slaughtering
your allies. Use that opportunity to slip through
and fi nd a weak spot. Try to bring another smart
player with you. A pair of bright agents can entirely
redefi ne the team.
Defenders need to be fl uid as well. Always have
eyes on each of the bombs. You can’t defend
everything well, and that’s why communication
is the key. Let other players know as soon as
possible when a site is coming under attack. Use
explosives, work cooperatively, and communicate,
communicate, communicate. Remember, attackers
need to be quiet, you don’t. Be a nuisance and be
savage about it.
Look on the maps in this guide for a green icon and
the letters EP. That is the goal of the Mi6 team. Bond
is trying to evade capture and has to be helped to the
extraction point. Teamwork, as with Bond Versus, is the
defi ning element here. Because there’s a single point of
victory, your enemies have an even better idea what to
Always move in groups and hit points with
overwhelming force. You aren’t likely to sneak through
and win in these matches. Instead, it’s more about being
able to strike with speed and precision. Don’t allow
your team to string out and advance toward the EP a
couple at a time, which just makes easy pickings for the
defenders. Instead, move as a wave, with two or three
groups approaching the area simultaneously.
Defenders should resist the urge to deploy just around
the EP. Certainly, some teammates must keep their sites
on that area and the approach to it. But there also have
to be a few suicidal types. These are the folks who hold
the middle areas and delay the approaching force. The
Mi6 team has to rush together for their best opportunity,
so your team’s job is to stop that organization. Use
ambushes, grenades, and raw aggression to start fi ghts
and force Mi6 players to expose themselves or dig in. If
they enter a drawn-out fi refi ght you’ve done your job. If
they rush past recklessly, hit them in the back when your
allies near the extraction point start to engage them.
Golden Gun is a type of deathball variant. Everyone
wants to retrieve the Golden Gun, originally located
in the yellow GG position on the supplied maps. After
getting that, you have to avoid the rush of aggression
05_007 Quantum MULTIPLAYER.indd 116 10/20/08 8:15:57 PM