Disk Commands
This parameter specifies which color scheme is to be used during the screen save operation.
The default value is INVert; this scheme saves the waveforms over a white background.
Command :DISK:SPARameter:SAVE <source>,"<file_name>"[,<format>[,<field>]]
Saves an S-parameter waveform to ASCII Touchstone files and text files. Before you can save
S-parameter data to a file, you must first display the S-parameter graph using the command
“TDRSparam” on page 19-3. For one-port single-ended devices, save your data (S11 or S22)
to Touchstone (.s1p) files. For two-port single-ended devices, save your data (S11, S21, S22,
S12) to Touchstone (.s2p) files. When saving multiple S-parameters to an s2p file, you must
save each S-parameter as a separate save, appending each S-parameter data to the original
file. The <field> argument selects the S-parameter for each appended save. Differential and
common mode S-parameter measurements can not be saved to Touchstone files. Any single
S-parameter (single-ended, differential mode, or common mode) can be saved to a text file
that uses the identical format as the Touchstone s1p file. While Touchstone files can not be
imported back into the 86100C, you can import them into circuit simulators for further analy-
The <source> argument can be CHANnel<n>, FUNCtion<n>, RESPonse<n>, or WMEM-
ory<n>. The <file_name> argument is the name of the file, with a maximum of 254 characters
(including the path name, if used). The file name assumes the present working directory if a
path does not precede the file name. The <format> argument can be TEXT (.txt), S1P
(Touchstone .s1p), or S2P (Touchstone .s2p). The default file format is TEXT. Use the
optional <field> argument when saving Touchstone S2P files to indicate the S-parameter
(S11, S21, S22, S12) being saved. Each of these S-parameters is assigned a fixed field in the
Touchstone file as listed in Table 10-1 on page 10-8.
The Touchstone file consists of lines of comma separated ASCII strings. Lines 1 and 2 are
commented description lines that begin with the comment delimiter character (!). Line 3 is
the option line that specifies measurement parameters for the data content (frequency, mag-
nitude, phase) using the following format:
# <frequency unit> <parameter> <format> <R n>
Table 10-1. S-Parameters and Corresponding <field> Argument for s2p Files
S11 1
S21 2
S12 3
S22 4