SCALe?, 8-6
SCOLor?, 11-9
SDONe?, 7-9
SERial?, 4-13
SETup?, 5-7
SKEW?, 7-9
SOURce?, 14-5, 15-5, 18-11, 18-32
SPResent?, 9-9
SSAVer AAFTer?, 11-9
SSAVer?, 11-9
SSCReen?, 6-5, 15-6, 17-11
SSUMmary?, 17-12
STATe?, 16-3
Status Byte (*STB?), 3-13
STATus?, 7-7, 7-10
SWAVeform?, 6-7, 15-8, 17-13
TBASe?, 18-36
TDRSkew?, 8-7
TEDGe?, 18-32
TER?, 4-14
Test (*TST?), 3-14
TEST?, 15-9, 17-14
TIME?, 7-5, 7-7
TITLe?, 17-14
TMAX, 18-34
TMIN, 18-34
TVOLt?, 18-35
UEE?, 4-14
UER?, 4-14
ULIMit?, 15-9
UNITs OFFSet, 8-7
UNITs?, 8-7
VAMPlitude?, 18-35
VAVerage, 18-33, 18-36
VERTical OFFSet?, 12-8
VERTical RANGe, 12-9
VMAX?, 18-37
VMIN?, 18-37
VPP?, 18-38
VTIMe?, 18-39
VTOP?, 18-39
WAVelength?, 8-8
X1Position?, 14-5, 16-4
X1Y1source?, 16-4
X2Position?, 14-5, 16-4
X2Y2source?, 16-5
XDELta?, 16-2, 16-5
XUNits?, 16-5
Y1Position?, 14-6, 16-5
Y2Position?, 14-6
YDELta?, 16-6
YUNits?, 16-6
interrupt, 1-26
responses, formatting, 5-2
query error, 1-47
QYE Status Bit, 1-18
querying locked status, 9-2
question mark, 1-26
queue, output, 1-26
quotes, with embedded strings, 1-24
QYE bit, 3-3–3-4
RANGe, 8-5, 12-7
RATE, 9-7, 21-3
*RCL (Recall), 3-7
REACtance?, 16-2
RECall SETup, 4-12
common commands, 3-2
Recommend?, 7-8
recovery, clock, 9-2
save/recall, 3-7, 3-12
Standard Event Status Enable, 1-19
local code and capability, 1-35
remote screen capture, 10-7
representation of infinity, 1-25
Request Control (RQC) status bit, 1-18
Request Service (RQS)
default, 1-34
status bit, 1-18
Reset (*RST), 3-7
resetting the parser, 1-35
RESPonse, 21-4
CALibrate, 21-4, 22-5
CALibrate CANCel, 21-5
CALibrate CONTinue, 21-5
HORizontal, 21-6
HORizontal POSition, 21-6
HORizontal RANGe, 21-6
RISetime, 21-7
TDRDest, 21-7
TDTDest, 21-8
VERTical, 21-9, 22-8
VERTical OFFSet, 21-9, 22-8
VERTical RANGe, 21-10, 22-8
data, 1-26
result state code, and SENDvalid, 18-31
RESults?, 18-28
retrieval and storage, 10-2
returning control to system controller,
revised commands, 1-42
rise time measurement setup, 18-2
RISetime, 18-31
RMS voltage, and VRMS, 18-38
Root level commands, 4-2
AEEN, 4-2
ALER?, 4-3
BLANk, 4-5
CDISplay, 4-5
COMMents, 4-5
CREE, 4-5
CRER?, 4-6
DIGitize, 4-6
LER?, 4-8
LTEE, 4-9
LTER?, 4-9
MODel?, 4-9
MTEE, 4-7, 4-10, 4-11
MTER?, 4-10, 4-12
OPEE, 4-11
OPER?, 4-11
PRINt, 4-12
RECall SETup, 4-12
RUN, 4-12
SERial, 4-13
SINGle, 4-13
STOP, 4-13
STORe SETup, 4-13
STORe WAVEform, 4-14
TER?, 4-14
UEE, 4-14
UER?, 4-14
VIEW, 4-15
RPANnotation, 16-3
RQC (Request Control), 1-18
bit, 3-3–3-4
RQS (Request Service), 1-18
and *STB, 3-13
default, 1-34
RQS/MSS bit, 3-13
RRATe, 11-7
*RST (Reset), 2-13, 3-7
RUN, 4-12
and GET relationship, 1-35
RUNTil, 6-4, 15-4, 17-6
sample programs
segments, 2-2
sample rate, number of points, 6-3
SAMPlers, 7-8
SAMPles?, 17-5
saturation, 11-8
*SAV (Save), 3-12
SAVE, 17-7
save/recall register, 3-7, 3-12
SCALe, 8-6
DEFault, 17-7
MODE, 17-8
SIZE, 14-3