Measure Commands
values are used in the rise-time and fall-time measurements when standard measurements
are selected. The 50% voltage value is used for measuring frequency, period, pulse width, and
duty cycle with standard measurements selected.
You can also make measurements using user-defined parameters, instead of the standard
measurement values. When the command form of a measurement is used, the analyzer is
placed in the continuous measurement mode. The measurement result will be displayed on
the front panel. There may be a maximum of four measurements running continuously. Use
the SCRatch command to turn off the measurements. When the query form of the measure-
ment is used, the measurement is made one time, and the measurement result is returned.
• If the current acquisition is complete, the current acquisition is measured and the result is re-
• If the current acquisition is incomplete and the analyzer is running, acquisitions will continue
to occur until the acquisition is complete. The acquisition will then be measured and the result
• If the current acquisition is incomplete and the analyzer is stopped, the measurement result
will be 9.99999E+37 and the incomplete result state will be returned if SENDvalid is ON.
All measurements are made using the entire display, except for VRMS which allows measure-
ments on a single cycle, and eye measurements in the defined eye window. Therefore, if you
want to make measurements on a particular cycle, display only that cycle on the screen. Mea-
surements are made on the displayed waveforms specified by the SOURce command. The
SOURce command allows two sources to be specified. Most measurements are only made on
a single source. Some measurements, such as the DELTatime measurement, require two
sources. The measurement source for remote measurements can not be set from the front
panel. The measurement source is not reset by power cycles or default setup. If the signal is
clipped, the measurement result may be questionable. In this case, the value returned is the
most accurate value that can be made using the current scaling. You might be able to obtain a
more accurate measurement by adjusting the vertical scale to prevent the signal from being
clipped. The measurement result 9.99999E+37 may be returned in some cases of clipped sig-
Command :MEASure:ANNotation {ON | 1 | OFF | 0}
Turns measurement annotations on or off. If there are no active measurements, you can still
turn on or off measurement annotations. The instrument will remain in the defined state and
will be activated (if on) the next time measurements are performed.
Mode All instrument modes.
Query :MEASure:ANNotation?
The query returns the current measurement annotation state.
Returned Format [:MEASure:ANNotation] {1 | 0}