
TDRSkew, 8-6
UNITs, 8-7
UNITs ATTenuation, 8-7
UNITs OFFSet, 8-7
WAVelength, 8-8
channel-to-channel skew factor, 7-9
CLEar, 18-11
buffers, 1-35
error queue, 1-21, 1-46
pending commands, 1-35
registers and queues, 1-22
Standard Event Status Register, 1-18,
status data structures, 3-2
TRG bit, 1-16
clipped signals, and measurement er-
ror, 18-3
clock recovery, 9-2
data rate, 9-7
phase locked status, 9-6
signal present status, 9-9
Clock Recovery Commands, 9-2
LOCKed?, 9-6, 9-10
RATE, 9-7
SPResent?, 9-9
Clock Recovery Event Enable Register,
Clock Recovery Event Register, 1-20,
*CLS (Clear Status), 3-2
CME bit, 3-3–3-4
color grade database
downloading, 1-7
using multiple databases, 1-6
AEEN (Acquisition Limits Event En-
able register), 4-2
ALIGn, 17-3
AMEThod, 17-3
ANNotation, 18-3
APOWer, 18-4
AREA, 6-5, 15-6, 17-11
AVERage, 6-2
AXIS, 14-2
BANDwidth, 8-2
BEST, 6-2
BLANk, 4-5
BYTeorder, 25-3
CANCel, 7-4
CDIRectory, 10-2
CDISplay, 4-5
CGRade BITRate, 18-4
CGRade COMPlete, 18-5
CGRade CROSsing, 18-6
CGRade DCDistortion, 18-6
CGRade EHEight, 18-7
CGRade ERATio, 18-7
CGRade ESN, 18-8
CGRade EWIDth, 18-8
CGRade JITTer, 18-9
CGRade OLEVel, 18-9
CGRade ZLEVel, 18-10, 18-11
CHANnel PROBe, 8-4
CHANnel UNITs, 8-7
CLEar, 18-11
CLear Status (*CLS), 3-2
COMMents, 4-5
, 11-2
CONTinue, 7-4
COUNt, 6-2
CRATio, 18-5
CREE (Clock Recovery Event Enable
Register), 4-5
DATE, 5-2
DCOLor, 11-3
DEFine, 18-11
DELete, 10-2, 17-5
DELTatime, 18-13
DIGitize, 1-5, 4-6
DISPlay, 8-2, 12-3
DSP, 5-2
DUTYCycle, 18-6
DUTYcycle, 18-14
ERATio STARt, 7-4
Event Status Enable (*ESE), 3-2
Event Status Register (*ESR?), 3-3
EXIT, 17-5
FAIL, 15-2
FALLtime, 18-14
FILTer, 8-3
FRAMe LABel, 7-5
FRAMe STARt, 7-5
FREQuency, 18-15
FSELect, 8-3
GRATicule, 11-3
GRATicule INTensity, 11-3
HEADer, 5-4
HORizontal, 12-4
HORizontal POSition, 12-4
HORizontal RANGe,
Identification Number (*IDN?), 3-4
IMAGe, 6-6, 15-7, 17-12
INVert, 12-5
JEE (Jitter Event Enable Register),
LABel, 11-6
LLIMit, 15-3
LOAD, 10-3, 17-5
LONGform, 5-5
LTEE (Limit Test Event Enable regis-
ter), 4-9
MAGNify, 12-5
MASK DELete, 17-6
MAXimum, 12-5
MINimum, 12-6
MMARgin PERCent, 17-6
MMARgin STATe, 17-6
MNFound, 15-3
MODE, 14-3
MODule LRESistance, 7-5
MODule OPOWer, 7-6
MODule OPTical, 7-6
MODule OWAVelength, 7-6
MODule VERTical, 7-7
MTEE (Mask Test Event Enable Reg-
ister), 4-10, 4-11
NWIDth, 18-26
OFACtor, 18-9
OFFSet, 8-4, 12-6
OPEE, 4-11
Operation Complete (*OPC), 3-5
Option (*OPT), 3-7
, 7-7
OVERshoot, 18-26
PERiod, 18-27
PERSistence, 11-6
POINts, 6-3
PRINt, 4-12
PROBe CALibrate, 8-4
PROBe CHANnel<N>, 7-8
PROBe SELect, 8-5
PROPagation, 16-2
PWIDth, 18-10, 18-27
RANGe, 8-5, 12-7
RATE, 9-7
Recall (*RCL), 3-7
RECall SETup, 4-12
Reset (*RST), 3-7
RISetime, 18-31
RPANnotation, 16-3
RUN, 4-12
RUNTil, 6-4, 15-4, 17-6
RUNTil (RUMode), 15-4
SAMPlers, 7-8
Save (*SAV), 3-12
SCALe, 8-6
SCALe DEFault, 17-7
SCALe SIZE, 14-3
SCALe X1, 17-8
SCALe XDELta, 17-9
SCALe Y1, 17-9
SCALe Y2, 17-9
SCALe YTRack, 17-10
, 11-7
SERial, 4-13
Service Request Enable (*SRE), 3-12
SETup, 5-7