Measure Commands
See Also Refer to the MEASure:RESults query for information on the results returned and how they
are affected by the SENDvalid command. Refer to the individual measurements for informa-
tion on how the result state is returned.
Command :MEASure:SOURce <source>[,<source>]
Selects the source for measurements. You can specify one or two sources with this command.
All measurements except MEASure: DEFine:DELTatime are made on the first specified
source. The delta time measurement uses two sources if two are specified. If only one source
is specified, the delta time measurement uses that source for both of its parameters. The
source is always color grade/gray scale data in eye mode, except for average optical power
and histogram measurements. This is a global definition. It is used for all subsequent remote
measurements unless a different source is specified with the optional source parameter in the
measure command.
<source> is {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | RESPonse<N> | WMEMory<N>}. <N>, for chan-
nels, functions, TDR responses and waveform memories, is 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Mode Oscilloscope and TDR modes. Eye mode uses this for average optical power measurements.
Query :MEASure:SOURce?
The query returns the current source selection.
Returned Format [:MEASure:SOURce] <source>[,<source>]<NL>
Query :MEASure:TEDGe? <meas_thres_txt>,<slope><occurrence> [,<source>]
Returns the time interval between the trigger event and the specified edge (threshold level,
slope, and transition) in oscilloscope mode. The query will return the time interval between
the reference plane and the specified edge in TDR mode.
<meas_thres_txt> is defined as UPPer, MIDDle, or LOWer to identify the threshold. <slope>
is { – (minus) for falling | + (plus) for rising | <none> (the slope is optional; if no slope is spec-
ified, + (plus) is assumed) }. <occurrence> is a numeric value representing the edge of the
occurrence. The desired edge must be present on the display. Edges are counted with 1 being
the first edge from the left on the display. <source> is {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> |
RESPonse<N> | WMEMory<N>} with <N>, for channels, functions, TDR responses, and
waveform memories, equal to 1, 2, 3, or 4.
NOTE TEDGe is measured for a value less than or equal to 20. A value greater than 20 returns data out of range.
Mode Oscilloscope and TDR modes.
Returned Format [:MEASure:TEDGe] <time>[,<result_state>]<NL>
<time> is the time interval between the trigger event and the specified edge (oscilloscope
mode) or the time interval between the reference plane and the specified edge in TDR mode.
If SENDvalid is ON, the <result_state> is returned with the measurement result. Refer to
Table 18-3 on page 18-30 for a list of the result states.