Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01 55
Hardware Installation
Connecting the Antenna
Your Raven will work with most standard cellular antennas with a TNC connector
and rated to work with GPRS technology. Connect the antenna or RF cable directly
to the TNC connector on the back of the Raven.
FIGURE 2. Raven connectors
Connecting power
Your Raven can be used with either DC (available in most automobiles) or 110 AC
(standard US wall power) with the appropriate power adapter (available from Air-
The power cable positive lead should be connected to the battery or power source
positive terminal. The power cable negative lead should be connected to the battery
or power source negative terminal. The Raven has an internal polysilicon circuit
breaker that opens at 0.5 to 1.0 amps of current.
Connecting the Raven to a computer or other
Your Raven’s serial port can be connected directly to most computers or other
devices using a standard straight through cable. If you have a DTE device, you will
need a null modem or null modem cable.