Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01 63
AT Commands
*NETSTATE? The current network state:
Connecting To Network = The Raven is in the process of
trying to connect to the GPRS network.
Network Authentication Fail = Authentication to the
GPRS network has failed. Verify settings to activate the
Network Negotiation Fail = Network connection negotia-
tion failed. This is usually temporary and often clears up
during a subsequent attempt.
Network Ready = Raven is connected to the network and
ready to send data.
Network Dormant = Raven is connected to the network,
but the link is dormant. It will be woken up when data is
sent or received.
No Service = There is no GPRS network detected.
Hardware Reset = The OEM module is being reset. This
is a temporary state.
*SMTPSTATUS? The status of the last issued SMTP message
(*SMTPSEND). If no status is available 0 is returned.
Once read, the status is cleared.
The status codes are received from the SMTP server the
modem attempted to send the request. Ex. 354 = send in
progress, 250 = sent ok.
*SNTPQUERY? The current SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) time
and date.
TABLE 1. Information and Status
Command Details