Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01 87
AT Commands
Modbus, commonly used with telemetry devices, allows a connection via serial
port to the modem. See “Modbus/BSAP Configuration” on page
TABLE 16. Modbus Settings
Command Parameters Details
IP List Dial
This allows access the Modbus IP list using the first two
digits of the dial string. Example: ATDT1234567 would
go to ID "12" on the Modbus list and use the associated
IP as the destination.
Cannot be configured in Wireless ACE.
MDhh hh (hex byte) =
00 - normal
01 - SLIP mode
02 - PPP mode
03 - UDP mode
04 - TCP mode
Set or query the modem's default power-up mode
When the Raven is power-cycled, it may enter the mode
specified by this command after 5 seconds. On startup,
typing ATMD0 within 5 seconds changes the mode to
normal (AT command) mode.
See also S53 to set the port for UDP or TCP.
MLISTid=d.d.d.d id=ID
d.d.d.d=IP or
Enters an ID and IP address into the Modbus List. ID is
a decimal value (1 to 100).
Note: In Wireless ACE, this command (and MLISTX) is
the Addr List menu option.
MLISTXhexid=d.d.d.d hexid=ID
d.d.d.d=IP or
Enters an ID and IP address into the Modbus List. ID is a
hexadecimal value (0 to 64). Note: This value is entered
via Wireless ACE as 0xHex.
MVLEN=n n= 1 or 2 Modbus Variant ID Length
Length of the RTU ID in a modbus-variant protocol, in
bytes. This parameter is used to define the length of the
RTU ID in Modbus-like protocol data packets. This
parameter is used when the when the MD is set to hex
Cannot be configured in Wireless ACE.