Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01 67
AT Commands
The Raven’s cellular network is the connection to Cingular GPRS and remote
devices or computers.
TABLE 4. Cellular Network (Cingular GPRS)
Command Parameters Details
Allows the displayed IP address in *NETIP to end in
zero (ex.
Do not allow
*NETCHAN? none The current active GPRS channel number.
*NETERR? none The network bit error rate.
*NETIP? none The current IP address of the modem reported by the
embedded OEM module (generally obtained from Car
rier). This is the address to which packets can be sent in
order to contact the Raven from the Internet. Note: If
there is no current network IP, may be displayed.
Refer to *NETALLOWZEROIP if you need to allow
the display of an IP ending in a zero.
*NETOK? none Checks the GPRS connection.
OK if connected.
ERROR if not connected.
*NETOP? none The current network operator (cellular carrier) from the
modem's firmware version.
*NETRSSI? none The current RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) of
the Raven as a negative dBm value. The same informa
tion is displayed with the command S202?.
*NETSTATE? none See “*NETSTATE?” on page 16..
*NETWDOG=n n=minutes Network connection watchdog: The number of minutes
to wait for a network connection. If no connection is
established within the set number of minutes, the Raven
resets. Default = 20 min. 0 = Disable.