AT Commands
74 Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01
*HOSTPEERIP =d.d.d.d d.d.d.d=local or
peer IP of
Set or query the IP address that can be used to directly
contact the Raven once a PPP connection is established.
If this value is not specified, will be used.
Note: This is not normally used nor needed by user
*HOSTPRIVIP =d.d.d.d d.d.d.d=IP Set or query the private IP address that is to be negoti-
ated by the PPP connection if *HOSTPRIVMODE =1
Set or query whether a private or public (network) IP is
to be used when the Host initiates a PPP connection to
the modem.
Public (network) IP Mode: When the Host initiates a
PPP connection, the host will be given the public IP that
was obtained from the OEM module. If the network
issues a new IP, the PPP connection will be closed (since
the IP has changed) and has to be re-initiated. (default)
Private IP Mode: When the Host initiates a PPP connec-
tion, the host will be given the IP address specified in
*HOSTPRIVIP. The modem will then perform NAT-like
address translation, which shields the Host from network
IP changes.
Set the internal serial link speed to the radio (modem)
115200 (default)
Accepts UDP packets from any IP address when a UDP
session is active. If there is no UDP session active, an
incoming UDP packet will be treated according to the
UDP auto answer and AIP settings.
No effect (Default).
Accept UDP data from all IP addresses when in a UDP
TABLE 5. Local Network and Host Modes
Command Parameters Details