24888 Rev 3.03 - July 12, 2004 AMD-8151
AGP Tunnel Data Sheet
18:16 Max link width in. Read only. This specifies the width of the incoming link to be 16 bits wide for
side A and 8 bits wide for side B.
15 Reserved.
14 EXTCTL: extended control time during initialization. Read-write. This specifies the time in
which LT[B, A]CTL is held asserted during the initialization sequence that follows an LDTSTOP#
deassertion, after LR[B, A]CTL is detected asserted. 0=At least 16 bit times. 1=About 50
microseconds. Note: this bit is cleared by PWROK reset but not by RESET#.
13 LDT3SEN: link three-state enable. Read-write. 1=During the LDTSTOP# disconnect sequence, the
link transmitter signals are placed into the high impedance state and the receivers are prepared for the
high impedance mode. For the receivers, this includes cutting power to the receiver differential
amplifiers and ensuring that there are no resultant high-current paths in the circuits. 0=During the
LDTSTOP# disconnect sequence, the link transmitter signals are driven, but in an undefined state,
and the link receiver signals are assumed to be driven. Note: this bit is cleared by PWROK reset but
not by RESET#. AMD recommends that this bit be set high in single-processor systems and be low in
multi-processor systems.
12:10 Reserved.
9:8 CRCERR: CRC Error. Read; set by hardware; write 1 to clear. Bit[9] applies to the upper byte of
the link (DevA:0xC4 only) and bit[8] applies to the lower byte. 1=The hardware detected a CRC error
on the incoming link. Note: this bit is cleared by PWROK reset but not by RESET#.
7 TXOFF: transmitter off. Read; write 1 only. 1=No output signals on the link toggle; the input link
receivers are disabled and the pins may float.
6 ENDOCH: end of chain. Read; write 1 only or set by hardware. 1=The link is not part of the logical
HyperTransport technology chain; packets which are issued or forwarded to this link are either
dropped or result in an NXA error response, as appropriate; packets received from this link are
ignored and CRC is not checked; if the transmitter is still enabled (TXOFF), then it drives only NOP
packets with good CRC. ENDOCH may be set by writing a 1 to it or it may be set by hardware if the
link is determined to be disconnected at the rising edge of RESET#.
5 INITCPLT: initialization complete. Read only. This bit is set by hardware when low-level link
initialization has successfully completed. If there is no device on the other end of the link, or if the
device on the other side of the link is unable to properly perform link initialization, then the bit is not
set. This bit is cleared when RESET# is asserted or after the link disconnect sequence completes after
the assertion of LDTSTOP#.
4 LKFAIL: link failure. Read; set by hardware; write 1 to clear. This bit is set high by the hardware
when a CRC error is detected on the link (if enabled by CRCFEN) or if the link is not used in the
system. Note: this bit is cleared by PWROK reset, not by RESET#.
3 CRCERRCMD: CRC error command. Read-write. 1=The link transmission logic generates
erroneous CRC values. 0=Transmitted CRC values match the values calculated per the link
specification. This bit is intended to be used to check the CRC failure detection logic of the device on
the other side of the link.
2 Reserved.
1 CRCFEN: CRC flood enable. Read-write. 1=CRC errors (in link A for DevA:0xC4[CRCFEN]; in
link B for DevA:0xC8[CRCFEN]) result in sync packets to both outgoing links, DevA:0x04[SSE] is
set, and the LKFAIL bit is set. 0=CRC errors do not result in sync packets, setting of
DevA:0x04[SSE] or the LKFAIL bit.
0 Reserved.