Num ACD Calls. The number of calls each agent handled while logged
into that split. The number includes intraflowed calls and excludes
abandoned calls. The number on the summary line is the total number of
ACD calls handled by all agents in the split.
Avg Talk Time. The average amount of time an agent spent on each
ACD call. Average talk time includes intraflowed calls arid excludes
abandoned calls. In the summary line, the average talk time is the
average time per call, not per agent.
Avg After Call. The average amount of time each agent spent in the
after-call-work state (ACW). To calculate this average, the cumulative
amount of time the agent spent in the after-call-work state is divided by
the number of ACD calls answered by that agent. (If no calls were
handled, the average ACW time is set equal to the cumulative ACW time.)
In the summary line, the average after call value is the average ACW time
per call, not per agent.
Avg Work Time. The amount of time spent on CMS-related work. The
average work time equals the sum of average talk time and average after
call time.
Num Xfr Calls. The number of ACD calls transferred by each agent in a
given split.
Num Rfusd Calls. The number of ACD calls refused by each agent in a
given split.
(These include outgoing calls, incoming calls not related to
intercom calls.)
Num Other Calls. The number of “other” calls handled
ACD work, and
by each agent.
Avg Talk Other. The average amount of time an agent spent on each call
designated as other. The summary line shows the average amount of time
spent per call, not per agent.
% ACD Time. The percentage of time the agent spent on CMS-related
work, that is, on ACD calls and in the after-call-work state.
Total Time Staffed. The total amount of time the agent was answering
calls in a given split for a given day, and under a given ID (rounded to the
nearest tenth hour).
NOTE: Activities in progress at the end of the day are included in the
statistics for the day in which the activities were completed. This
includes the total amount of time the agent spent on CMS calls, on
Other calls, in the Available state, and in the ACW state.
7-4 Types of CMS Reports