
Copying the System Tables File
To copy the system tables file, do as follows:
1 If you are not in the cms directory on the hard disk, type
2 To get into the cmsmgmt directory, type
cd cmsmgmt
3 To copy the system tables file for the current date, type
copy c:systbls.cms a:syymmdd.cms
where yymmdd is the date.
For example, to copy the system tables file on
04/19/87, copy it to a file called s870419.cms.
If you copy the system tables file only when a change affecting line, agent,
or split assignments has been made, use the date the change became
effective. For instance, if the change was made Monday morning before
CMS, use Monday’s date.
If the change was made after CMS stopped on
Monday, use Tuesday’s date.
Copying Historical Data Files
To copy the historical data files, do the following:
1 Get into the cmsrept directory (\cms\cmsrept)
in the previous procedure.
2 Type a series of commands in the form
copy c:dyymmdd.cms a:
according to steps 1 and 2
where yymmdd is the date on which data were collected. For example, if
you want the historical data file for 04/19/87, you would copy the file
To copy 10 days’ data at a time, for instance,
07/29/86, type a command in this format:
copy c:d86072 .cms a:
Erasing Files from the Hard Disk
files from 07/20/86 through
To erase the archived files from the hard disk, do as follows:
Type a series of commands in the form
erase c:dyymmdd.cms
where dyymmdd.cms is the name of the file to be erased,
NOTE: You can also use the “delete” command, as follows:
delete c:dyymmdd.cms
(in place of “erase”).
8-2 Overview