
Warning Messages
WARNING—CU 2 Faulty or Disconnected.
Status Indicator: CU 2
Effect on Call Management: CMS manages calls somewhat more slowly without
CU 2. You may notice an increase in abandoned calls during periods of
heavy incoming call traffic until you correct this problem.
Possible cause Corrective action
There’s a loose cable Make sure the connections between the CU 2
connection between the jack on the CMS card at the back of the PC
CU 2 jack on the CMS
and the MERLIN II system control unit are
card and the MERLIN II
system control unit.
Either the cable or the
When you can interrupt call management for a
jack assigned to CU 2 on
few minutes, switch the CU 1 and CU 2 cables
the MERLIN II system
around (unplug the cable from the CU 1 jack
control unit is faulty.
and plug it into the CU 2 jack, and vice versa).
If the CU 2 indicator on the screen goes off
and the flashing CU 1 indicator appears on the
screen, the CU 2 jack on the CMS card is not
faulty. Switch the cables back to their original
jacks on the CMS card so that CU 1 works and
CMS can resume managing calls. Then restart
CMS and try to isolate the problem further.
The CU 2 jack on the
If none of the above actions corrects the
CMS card is faulty.
problem, contact your equipment supplier for
Startup Problems 9-5