Startup Problems
The information on the following pages identities and suggests corrective
action for problems that may occur when you are starting up CMS. The
problems are grouped according to the kind of message they cause to appear
in the information portion of the Initialization screen, as follows:
● Error messages
● Warning messages
Scan the pages to find the message that identifies your problem, and take the
corrective action(s) described.
IMPORTANT: Problems that generate error messages on the
Initialization screen always bring the startup procedure to a halt.
Until you have corrected the problem, you have to manage incoming
calls on CMS lines according to the instructions in “Managing Calls if
CMS is Disabled” at the end of this section of the manual.
Problems that generate warning messages on the Initialization screen
do not halt the startup procedure. While these problems do not
prevent CMS from managing calls, they do adversely affect call
management in various ways as indicated.
Error Messages
Effect on Call Management:
Until this problem is corrected, CMS cannot
manage calls. See “Managing Calls if CMS is Disabled” at the end of this
section of the manual.
Possible cause Corrective action
You omitted one or
1 In sequence, press
[ F8 ] , [ F4 ] , and [ F3 ] to
more steps when you
get the Administer Lines and Line Groups
administered your CMS
line groups. 2 Follow the instructions under the heading
“Administering Lines and Line Groups” in
Section 4 of this manual to finish
administering line groups.
3 Make sure you have completed at least one
shift configuration as described in
“Building or Editing Shift Configurations”
in Section 4.
4 Restart CMS.
9-2 Startup Problems