Call Management Problems
The information on the following pages identifies and suggests corrective
action for problems that may occur while CMS is managing calls. Scan the
pages to locate the error message or problem description that identifies your
problem. Then take the recommended corrective action.
IMPORTANT: All the problems identified here bring call management
to a halt. Until you correct the problem, CMS cannot manage calls.
In most cases, CMS resumes managing calls as soon as the problem is
corrected. Meanwhile, you have to manage incoming calls on CMS
lines according to the instructions in “Managing Calls if CMS is
Disabled” at the end of this section of the manual.
ERROR—CU 1 Faulty or Disconnected. CMS Cannot Manage Calls.
Status Indicator: CU 1 (flashing)
Audible Signal: A single short beep from the PC and a longer beep from the
CMS card
Effect on Call Management:
Until this problem is corrected, CMS cannot
manage calls. See “Managing Calls if CMS is Disabled” at the end of this
section of the manual.
Effect on Data Collection:
When this message appears, data collection stops.
Data on completed calls are saved, but data on calls in progress when the
problem occurred are lost.
When the problem is corrected, data collection
There’s a loose cable
connection between the
CU 1 jack and the
MERLIN II system
control unit.
CU1 and CU2 are not
connected to the same
MERLIN II system
control unit circuit pack.
Corrective action
Make sure one end of the cable is plugged
securely into the CU 1 jack at the back of the
PC and the other end is plugged securely into
the jack assigned to CU 1 in the MERLIN II
system control unit.
Connect CU1 and CU2 to the same 408 or 008
analog circuit pack at the two ports designated
as attendant ports by the MERLIN II system
administrator (most probable ports are: 14/18
or 22/26).
9-10 Call Management Problems