Table 64 — Alert Limit Configuration
Supply Duct Pressure High Alert Limit (
SP.H) — If the unit
is a VAV unit with a supply duct pressure sensor and the mea-
sured supply duct static pressure is above the configurable SP
High Alert Limit (SP.H), then Alert 311 will occur. The unit
will continue to run and the alert will automatically reset.
Building Pressure Low Alert Limit (
BP.L) — If the unit is
configured to use modulating power exhaust then a building
static pressure limit can be configured using the BP Low Alert
Limit (BP.L). If the measured pressure is below the limit then
Alert 312 will occur.
Building Pressure High Alert Limit (
BP.H) — If the unit is
configured to use modulating power exhaust then a building
static pressure limit can be configured using the BP Hi Alert
Limit (BP.H). If the measured pressure is above the limit, then
Alert 313 will occur.
Indoor Air Quality High Alert Limit (
IAQ.H) — If the unit
is configured to use a CO
sensor and the level is above the
configurable IAQ High Alert Limit (IAQ.H) then the alert will
occur. The unit will continue to run and the alert will automati-
cally reset.
Sensor Trim Configuration — The TRIM submenu
is used to calibrate the sensor trim settings. The trim settings
are used when the actual measured reading does not match the
sensor output. The sensor can be adjusted to match the actual
measured reading with the trim function. A list is shown in
Table 65.
Air Temperature Leaving Supply Fan Sensor (
SAT.T) — This
variable is used to adjust the supply fan temperature sensor
reading. The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 10° F to match
the actual measured temperature.
Return Air Temperature Sensor Trim (
RAT.T) — This vari-
able is used to adjust the return air temperature sensor reading.
The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 10° F to match the actual
measured temperature.
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor Trim (
OAT.T) — This vari-
able is used to adjust the outdoor air temperature sensor read-
ing. The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 10° F to match the
actual measured temperature.
Space Temperature Sensor Trim (
SPT.T) — This variable is
used to adjust the space temperature sensor reading. The sensor
reading can be adjusted ± 10° F to match the actual measured
Limit Switch Trim (
L.SW.T) — This variable is used to ad-
just the limit switch temperature sensor reading. The sensor
reading can be adjusted ± 10° F to match the actual measured
Air Temperature Leaving Evaporator Trim (
CCT.T) — This
variable is used to adjust the leaving evaporator temperature
sensor reading. The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 10° F to
match the actual measured temperature.
Suction Pressure Circuit A Trim (
SP.A.T) — This variable is
used to adjust the suction pressure sensor reading for circuit A.
The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 50 psig to match the actu-
al measured pressure.
Suction Pressure Circuit B Trim (
SP.B.T) — This variable is
used to adjust the suction pressure sensor reading for circuit B.
The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 50 psig to match the actu-
al measured pressure.
Discharge Pressure Circuit A Trim (
DP.A.T) — This vari-
able is used to adjust the discharge pressure sensor reading for
circuit A. The sensor reading can be adjusted ± 50 psig to
match the actual measured pressure.
Discharge Pressure Circuit B Trim (
DP.B.T) — This vari-
able is used to adjust the discharge pressure sensor reading for
circuit B. The sensor reading can be adjusted ±50 psig to match
the actual measured pressure.
4 to 20 mA Inputs
— There are a number of 4 to 20 mA in-
puts which may be calibrated. These inputs are located in
4-20. They are:
• SP.M.T — static pressure milliamp trim
• BP.M.T — building pressure milliamp trim
• OA.M.T — outside air cfm milliamp trim
• RA.M.T — return air cfm milliamp trim
• SA.M.T — supply air cfm milliamp trim
Discrete Switch Logic Configuration — The SW.LG
submenu is used to configure the normally open/normally closed
settings of switches and inputs. This is used when field-supplied
switches or input devices are used instead of Carrier devices. The
normally open or normally closed setting may be different on a
field-supplied device. These points are used to match the control
logic to the field-supplied device.
SP.L.O SPT lo alert limit/occ -10-245 dF SPLO 60
SP.H.O SPT hi alert limit/occ -10-245 dF SPHO 85
SP.L.U SPT lo alert limit/unocc -10-245 dF SPLU 45
SP.H.U SPT hi alert limit/unocc -10-245 dF SPHU 100
SA.L.O EDT lo alert limit/occ -40-245 dF SALO 40
SA.H.O EDT hi alert limit/occ -40-245 dF SAHO 100
SA.L.U EDT lo alert limit/unocc -40-245 dF SALU 40
SA.H.U EDT hi alert limit/unocc -40-245 dF SAHU 100
RA.L.O RAT lo alert limit/occ -40-245 dF RALO 60
RA.H.O RAT hi alert limit/occ -40-245 dF RAHO 90
RA.L.U RAT lo alert limit/unocc -40-245 dF RALU 40
RA.H.U RAT hi alert limit/unocc -40-245 dF RAHU 100
OAT.L OAT lo alert limit -40-245 dF OATL -40
OAT.H OAT hi alert limit -40-245 dF OATH 150
R.RH.L RARH low alert limit 0-100 % RRHL 0
R.RH.H RARH high alert limit 0-100 % RRHH 100
O.RH.L OARH low alert limit 0-100 % ORHL 0
O.RH.H OARH high alert limit 0-100 % ORHH 100
SP.L SP low alert limit 0-5 "H2O SPL 0
SP.H SP high alert limit 0-5 "H2O SPH 2
BP.L BP lo alert limit -0.25-0.25 "H2O BPL -0.25
BP.H BP high alert limit -0.25-0.25 "H2O BPH 0.25
IAQ.H IAQ high alert limit 0-5000 IAQH 1200
IMPORTANT: Sensor trim must not be used to extend
unit operation past the allowable operating range.
Doing so may void the warranty.