2 Component Video Inputs
e SSP supports two component video inputs, each with three RCA
connectors labeled 1 and 2 – the component video format requires three
separate cables labeled Pr, Pb, and Y. Use these inputs when the output of
your source is component.
Although still analog, a component video signal provides a much sharper
image than S-Video or composite formats. e component video delivers
color video signals by maintaining the three YUV signal segments in three
separate channels. YUV is a video format denition which denes the
“color space”, a mathematical model of the color within an image, of a
video signal. Y stands for luma (brightness), U for a color dierence signal
(blue minus luma or B-Y), and V for second color dierence signal (red
minus luma or R-Y). erefore, the three sections of the component signal
are Y (luminance – the black & white portion of the video), Pb (Blue
Color Dierence), and Pr (Red Color Dierence).
component video input rear panel connectors:
• UsetheredcableforthePr(RedColorDierence)connectors.
• UsethebluecableforthePb(BlueColorDierence)connectors.
• UsethegreencablefortheY(Luminance)connectors.
e SSP accepts component video at either standard denition (SD) or
1080p via analog component connections.
NOTE: Although the SSP component inputs support all resolutions
except 1080p, some source material will be restricted to 480p at the
3 HDMI Inputs
e SSP supports ve HDMI inputs, labeled 1 to 5. Whenever possible,
we recommend the use of HDMI for all audio and video source input
connections. e SSP is HDMI v.1.4 enabled, supporting 2D and standard
3D video formats at resolutions up to 1080p @ 24/50/60 fps, Audio
Return Channel (ARC), HDMI Ethernet Channel (HEC), Deep Color
and x.v.Color(xvYCC).
e HDMI (High Denition Multimedia Interface) format is the only
available single-cable digital pathway for both video and audio signals,
providing higher performance levels and simplifying component-to-
component connections. HDMI is backwards compatible with the
earlier video-only DVI (Digital Video Interface) standard. Adaptors
to convert a DVI cable connector to HDMI and vice-versa are readily
available. e HDMI standard also incorporates HDCP (High Denition
unauthorized distribution or duplication of copyrighted material.