Initial Setup
factory settings to facilitate initial setup. But we highly recommend that you
knowledge and experience with Classé products will ensure that your surround
system is optimized for your listening space.
setting up and becoming familiar with the SSP hardware. Once the initial setup
is complete, be sure to read the rest of this manual to familiarize yourself with
the daily operation and customizable features of your Surround Sound Processor.
Step 1 Connect the SSP and all system components to AC power.
ake sure everything – especially your power amplifier(s) –
is turned off before connecting power!
Connecting all system components to AC power, before making any
interconnections between components, ensures that every component has a solid
connection to ground. is lessens the chances of a static discharge that may
damage delicate electronics or your loudspeakers.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate cables.
the cables you will be using. e audio outputs available on the rear panel
include both balanced XLR connectors and unbalanced, or single-ended, RCA
Single-ended RCA audio connections are the most popular means of
transmitting audio in consumer electronics. As long as you use high quality, low
capacitance cables, single-ended connections provide very satisfactory results.
However, balanced audio connections between components provide the best
analog signal connection because they eectively double the signal strength.
More importantly, as compared to single-ended connections, they signicantly
improve resistance to common noise, therefore enhancing audio transparency,
detail, and dynamics.
Please consult your local Classé dealer for advice on which cables are best suited
for your system.