If using an extra wide aspect ratio screen, you may nd the need to raise the
position of the OSD. Press the osd shift button to move the display upward.
Each press moves the display upward 25 pixels. After six steps up the OSD
location will revert to its bottom position. It is possible to walk the display up
beyond this level by making six upward steps, saving the location, then making
additional upward steps. e saved location will apply to whatever resolution the
screen was displaying when the location was saved.
colors e Colors menu page gives you the ability to customize the color of the OSD
and touchscreen. Besides the default blue, the screen may be shown in silver, red,
or green. If a dierent color is chosen, the change takes place immediately so you
can view the colors before leaving the menu page.
volume ere are two common ways of displaying the volume information in a multi-
channel system: absolute and relative.
e absolute system refers to the notion that most people think of the number
0 as meaning nothing, e.g., no sound at all. In this system, 0 means “sound o ”
really no reference for how loud a particular setting is except through prior
In the relative system, the volume referred to as 0dB indicates that no
attenuation or gain is added to the signal. is setting is referred to as unity
gain (a one-to-one relationship between the size of signals coming in vs. going
out). is reference volume is the same level at which movies are played in
theaters. Changes from this volume level are shown as either positive (louder) or
negative (quieter). Showing volume in relative dB tells you precisely how much
attenuation or amplication you are employing.
In any event, the SSP oers both systems so that you may choose what makes
the most sense to you personally.
Dolby/DTS eSSP-800/CT-SSPincorporatesbothDolbyProLogicIIandDTSNeo:6
technologies for converting a two-channel signal into an enjoyable multi-channel
listening experience. e Dolby/DTS Setup menu allows you to modify the
personal preferences , and to access the Dolby Volume setup page.
While they dier in the details of their implementation and in the subjective
result, on a conceptual level they do the same thing: they analyze the
information embedded in two-channel recordings, looking for clues that can
indicate how the sound in those recordings might best be redistributed to the
various speakers in a multi-channel system, simulating a discrete multi-channel