room EQ eSSP-800/CT-SSPRoomEQcapabilityallowsyoutobuildveryprecise
digital audio lters to help compensate for xed sonic irregularities in your
room. ese lters should be constructed based upon audio measurements made
by a well-qualied acoustical engineer. ese powerful lters are made available
in a completely manual fashion to help your professional installer give you the
best listening experience possible.
As many as ve lters can be built for each speaker channel, except the Aux
channels dened for Bi-Amp or downmix. A Bi-Amp channel assumes the same
lters as dened for the Front Left and Right partner channels.
InordertodenetheRoomEQlters,selectRoom EQ from the Setup Menu.
Choose which channel(s) you wish to adjust. Individually select and activate a
the select button for a particular speaker will result in full range pink noise being
generated from that channel. Measurement tools may then be used to determine
is adjustable using the master volume control. Once the appropriate number of
bands have been activated and tuned, use the Activate Group button to turn the
lters on and o as a before/after check on your progress for the channel.
You do not need to have lters dened for every channel. e installer need
interaction. We encourage you to consult with your authorized Classé dealer to
properly calibrate the SSP Room EQ function.
configuration Your SSP has default settings for each speaker, but these settings should be
adjusted to match your system for optimal results. You may want to consult
your authorized Classé dealer to precisely adjust the settings to match your room
software to optimize levels and adjust speaker equalization, a powerful tool to
e Conguration Setup menu allows you to dene up to six dierent
want to set up to open the conguration setup menu, shown on the right.
e menu contains four buttons that completely dene the conguration
– Name, Distance, Levels, and Speakers – plus a fth button that activates the
conguration. e same menu is used to set up each conguration.