Example 5–1: Running the mc_cable Test
>>> mc_cable 1
To exit MC_CABLE, type <Ctrl/C>
mca0 node id 1 is online
No response from node 0 on mca0 2
mcb0 node id 1 is online 3
No response from node 0 on mcb0 3
Response from node 0 on mca0 4
Response from node 0 on mcb0
mcb0 is offline 6
mca0 is offline 6
Ctrl/C 7
1 The mc_cable diagnostic is initiated on node 1.
2 Node 1 reports that mca0 is on line but has not communicated with the
Memory Channel adapter on node 0.
3 Node 1 reports that mcb0 is on line but has not communicated with the
Memory Channel adapter on node 0.
4 Memory Channel adapter mca0 has communicated with the adapter
on the other node.
5 Memory Channel adapter mcb0 has communicated with the adapter
on the other node.
6 Typing a Ctrl/C on node 0 terminates the test on that node and the
Memory Channel adapters on node 1 report off line.
7 A Ctrl/C on node 1 terminates the test.
Setting Up the Memory Channel Cluster Interconnect 5–13