Example 10–7: Displaying Console Variables for a KZPSA-BB on an
AlphaServer 8x00 System (cont.)
pkc0_fast 1
pkc0_host_id 7
pkc0_termpwr on Setting the KZPBA-CB SCSI ID
After you determine the console environment variables for the KZPBA-CBs
on the shared SCSI bus, use the set console command to set the SCSI ID.
For a TruCluster Server cluster, you will most likely have to set the SCSI
ID for all KZPBA-CB UltraSCSI adapters except one. If you are using a
DS-DWZZH-05 with fair arbitration enabled, you will have to set the SCSI
IDs for all KZPBA-CB UltraSCSI adapters.
______________________ Note _______________________
You will have problems if you have two or more SCSI adapters at
the same SCSI ID on any one SCSI bus.
If you are using a DS-DWZZH-05, you cannot use SCSI ID 7
for a KZPBA-CB UltraSCSI adapter; SCSI ID 7 is reserved for
DS-DWZZH-05 use.
If DS-DWZZH-05 fair arbitration is enabled, the SCSI ID of the
host adapter must match the SCSI ID assigned to the hub port.
Mismatching or duplicating SCSI IDs will cause the hub to hang.
Use the set console command as shown in Example 10–8 to set the
KZPBA-CB SCSI ID. In this example, the SCSI ID is set for KZPBA-CB pkc
on the AlphaServer 4100 shown in Example 10–5.
Example 10–8: Setting the KZPBA-CB SCSI Bus ID
P00>>> show pkc0_host_id
P00>>> set pkc0_host_id 6
P00>>> show pkc0_host_id
10–16 Configuring Systems for External Termination or Radial Connections
to Non-UltraSCSI Devices