12 Console serial bus node ID for PCI drawers. In this example, the first
PCI drawer has node ID 10. The second PCI drawer has node ID 11.
Note that in this case, the node ID switches are set to 0 and 1.
13 The status of each of the four PCI buses in a PCI drawer. An S indicates
that a standard I/O module is present. Other modules present in a slot
are identified by their power dissipation:
• L: Lower power dissipation
• M: Medium power dissipation
• H: High power dissipation
• Dash (–): There is no module in that slot.
In this example, the PCI modules with M ( medium), power dissipation
are Memory Channel and Fibre Channel-to-PCI host bus adapters.
14 The presence or absence of the I/O riser modules in the PCI drawer. An
asterisk (*) indicates that a module is present.
15 The status of the PCI drawer power supplies as follows:
• A P (uppercase) indicates that the power supply is powered on and
passed self test.
• A p (lowercase) indicates that the power supply passed self test
but has been powered off.
• An F (uppercase) indicates that the power supply is powered on
and failed self test.
• An f (lowercase) indicates that the power supply failed self test
and has been powered off.
• An asterisk (*) indicates that the SCM has detected the presence of
the power supply, but that there has been no attempt to power on
the power supply.
16 The PCI drawer temperature in degrees Centigrade.
Example 7–4 shows the display for the show csb SCM command for an
AlphaServer GS160 system.
Example 7–4: Displaying Console Serial Bus Information
SCM_E0> show csb
1 2 3 4 5 6
CSB Type Firmware Revision FSL Revision Power State
10 PBM T05.4 (03.24/01:14) T4.2 (09.08) ON
11 PBM T05.4 (03.24/01:14) T4.2 (09.08) ON
30 PSM T05.4 (03.24/01:09) T4.0 (07.06) ON SrvSw: NORMAL
30 XSROM T05.4 (03.24/02:10)
C0 CPU0/SROM V5.0-7 ON
C1 CPU1/SROM V5.0-7 ON
C2 CPU2/SROM V5.0-7 ON
7–16 Using GS80, GS160, or GS320 Hard Partitions in a TruCluster Server Configuration