Example 4–3 shows the output from the show config console command
entered on an AlphaServer 8200 system.
Example 4–3: Displaying Configuration on an AlphaServer 8200
>>> show config
Name Type Rev Mnemonic
4++ KN7CC-AB 8014 0000 kn7cc-ab0
5+ MS7CC 5000 0000 ms7cc0
8+ KFTIA 2020 0000 kftia0
C0 Internal PCI connected to kftia0 pci0
0+ QLogic ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp0
1+ QLogic ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp1
2+ DECchip 21040-AA 21011 0023 tulip0
4+ QLogic ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp2
5+ QLogic ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp3
6+ DECchip 21040-AA 21011 0023 tulip1
C1 PCI connected to kftia0
0+ KZPAA 11000 0001 kzpaa0
1+ QLogic ISP1020 10201077 0005 isp4
2+ KZPSA 81011 0000 kzpsa0
3+ KZPSA 81011 0000 kzpsa1
4+ KZPSA 81011 0000 kzpsa2
7+ DEC PCI MC 181011 000B mc0
Example 4–4 shows the output from the show device console command
entered on an AlphaServer 8200 system.
Example 4–4: Displaying Devices on an AlphaServer 8200
>>> show device
polling for units on isp0, slot0, bus0, hose0...
polling for units on isp1, slot1, bus0, hose0...
polling for units on isp2, slot4, bus0, hose0...
polling for units on isp3, slot5, bus0, hose0...
polling for units kzpaa0, slot0, bus0, hose1...
pke0. kzpaa4 SCSI Bus ID 7
dke0. DKE0 RZ28 442D
dke200. DKE200 RZ28 442D
dke400. DKE400 RRD43 0064
polling for units isp4, slot1, bus0, hose1...
dkf0. DKF0 HSZ70 V70Z
dkf1. DKF1 HSZ70 V70Z
dkf2. DKF2 HSZ70 V70Z
dkf3. DKF3 HSZ70 V70Z
TruCluster Server System Configuration Using UltraSCSI Hardware 4–13