AS8x00, GS60, GS60E, and GS140. Set the console to diagnostic
mode as follows:
P00>>> set mode diag
Console is in diagnostic mode
The console remains in wwid manager mode (or diagnostic mode
for the AS1200, AS4x00, AS8x00, GS60, GS60E, and GS140
systems), and you cannot boot until the system is re-initialized.
Use the init command or a system reset to re-initialize the
system after you have completed using the wwid manager.
If you try to boot the system and receive the following error,
initialize the console to get out of WWID manager mode, then
P00>>> boot
warning -- main memory zone is not free
P00>>> init
P00>>> boot
If you have initialized and booted the system, then shut down the
system and try to use the wwidmgr utility, you may be prevented
from doing so. If you receive the following error, initialize the
system and retry the wwidmgr command:
P00>>> wwidmgr -show adapter
wwidmgr available only prior to booting.
Reinit system and try again.
P00>>> init
P00>>> wwidmgr -show adapter
For more information on the wwidmgr utility, see the Wwidmgr
User’s Manual, which is on the Alpha Systems Firmware Update
CD-ROM in the DOC directory.
Use the worldwide ID manager to show all KGPSA adapters:
P00>>> wwidmgr -show adapter
Link is down.
item adapter WWN Cur. Topo Next Topo
pga0. - Nvram read failed
[ 0] pga0. 1000-0000-c920-eda0 FABRIC UNAVAIL
pgb0. - Nvram read failed
[ 1] pgb0. 1000-0000-c920-da01 FABRIC UNAVAIL
pgc0. - Nvram read failed.
[ 2] pgc0. 1000-0000-c920-cd9c FABRIC UNAVAIL
[9999] All of the above.
Using Fibre Channel Storage 6–25