
Connecting a Carncorder
The side panel,jacks on yol]r TV make it easy to connect a carncorder to yol]r TV[
They allow yol] to view the camcorder tapes without using a VCR. (Also see "Viewing a VCR
or Carncorder Tape" on page 3.11)
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Locate the A!V Output
`jacks onthe camcorder. Camcorder
They are usually found On
the side or back Ofthe
Camcorder TV Side Panel
Output Jacks
Connect an audio cable
between the AUDIO OUT.
PUT.JackOnthe cam: AudioCable
corder andthe AUDIO
terminals onthe side of
the TV,
Camcorder TV Side Panel
Connect a video cable O_s
between the VIDEO°UT: ]_] I
PUT,Jackonthe cam. _ VideoCable I
Corder andtheVIDEOter: T I
TVnal onthe SideOfthe
The audio-video cables shown here are usually included with a Carncorder. (If not, check
yol]r local electronics store.)
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