
Customizing the Picture
You can use the on-screen menus to change the contrast, brightness, tint, color, and
sharpness according to personal preference. (Alternatively, you can use one of the
"automatic" settings. See next page.)
Pressthe MENUbutton to
display the menu.
Pressthe VOL; or VOL+
button repeatedly,until the
word i Custom"js selected.
(When Customis highlighb
ed;the word "AdJust°wi!!
Press the OHY button to
select 1Adjust!i; then
press the VOL÷button.
(]he words ColorTonel
Contrast, Brightness,
Sharpness, Color,and Iint
Will appear onthe screenl)
Pressthe CH A o(CH Y
button to se!#ct a partjcu:
lar item;
Move + Select [[]] Sxlt
_i I _ _ i_ _i i_i i
Pressthe VOL_ or VOL+
button to increase or
decrease the _alue ofa
particular item.
Pressthe MENUbutton
four times to exit,
"_ After adjusting an item. the gauge
will automatically disappear (after
about 5 seconds).
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