Chapter 4: Specia| Features ............ 4.1
(;11stornizing Y/)_11-Remote Control .......................... 4.1
Setting Up Y/t111Remote Control to Operate Y11111VCR.... 4.1
Setting Up Your Remote Control to Operate Your Cable Box.. 4.3
Fine • lning Channe]s .................................... 4.4
Changing the Screen Size ................................. 4.5
Using the Stiff Featllre .................................... 4.(5
Setting the On/Off Timer ................................. 4.7
Setting the Sleep Timer ................................... 4.8
Sound Features ......................................... 4.9
Choosing a Mlllti-Channel Sollnd (MTS) Sollndtrack ..... 4.9
Setting the Slln-ollnd ............................. 4.10
Viewing Closed Captions ................................. 4.11
Using the V-Chip ....................................... 4.12
Setting Up Yo.l Personal ID Number (PIN) ............ 4.12
How to Enable/Disable the V-Chip ................... 4.13
How to Set up Restlictions Using the "TV gllidelines" . . . . 4.13
How to Set up Restlictions using the MPAARatings:
G, PC, PC-13, R, NC-17, X ........................ 4.15
How to Reset the TV after the V-Chip Blocks a Channd
("Emergency Escape") ............................. 4.115
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting ............ 5.1
Identif_ying ]-)mblerns .................................... 5.1
Appendix ........................... A.1
Cleaning and Maintaining Yo111"TV.......................... A.1
Usir_gY/tilt TV in Another Collnt U ......................... A.1
Specifications .......................................... A.1