
Pressthe OHY button
three times [o select me
V-chW' menu,
Press the VOL+ button,
The" Enter pin" screen
wmappear. Enteryour 4-
digit PIN number.
The V-chip s:reen w
appear.Press the OHY
button, and h ghlight the
field for "TV guidelines."
Enter Pin
Enter P±n : - - -
0~9Select TRExIt
TV guidelines
• Move ± Selec% [FNExi%
Pressthe %/O1.+button.
The "TV guidelines"
screen will appear, Press
the CH A. Ol'lV buttons
to highlight one ofthe six
age-based catego.es:
f_ &ll FV V 8 L D
TV_Y _ U
#Mere + Selec% []_ Exit
TV-Y Young childre-
TV-Y7 Childrer 7and ovel
TV-G General audience
TV-PG Parental guidance
TVq4 Viewers 14and over
TV-MA Matureaua ence
_1 Note: These categories consist of
t\_,'oseparategroups: TV-Y and TVY7
tyoung children through age 7}. ana
TV G through TV MA eve] ybody
The restrictions for these two groups
work independently: If a household
includes ve]y young children as well
as young adults, the TV guidelines
must 10eset t p separately ibr each age
group. See next step.)
At this point, one of the TV-Ratings is highlighted lblue colon.
Pressthe VO[+ button: DepenDing onyour extsnng setup, a letter
tU= Unblocked. B= BloCKeD,
U" or" B" will start bhnking.
While the" U" or" B" is reD.Dressthe OHA or CHY button to block or unblocK rne category
Pressthe MENUbutton once m save me TVguidelines. A TV-Ratingwtll be highhghteu, and no etters wtll blink.
Toexit this screen, press MENU ac_in.Toselect adifferent TV-Rating _ress the CHA or CH Y button and then
repeatthe process.
Note 1:The TV-YT.TV-PG.TV-14 andTV-MA nave aaumonal options. Seethe next step to change any of the
following sub-raungs:
D: Dialog
L: Offensive language
S: Sexual situ:mot
V: Violence
Note 2:TheV-Ch p will automaticatty 3]ock certain categories that are" more restrictive." For example, ifyou block
TW_" category, then TV-Y7will automatically be blocked. Similarly, if you block the TV-Gcategory, men all the
categories in the" young adult" group wtll beblocked TV-G.TV-PG.TV-14andTV-MAI. Thesub-ratings ID. L.S.V/
work together similarly, See next section.