Using Automatic Sound Settings
Your TV has four automatic sound settings ("Standard," "Music," "Movie," and "Speech")
that are preset at the factory. You can activate any of them by making a selection flom the
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Pressthe MtFNLIbutton to
displaythe menu.
Press the CHY button to
select the" Sound" menu
Pressthe UOL4 or VOEĆ·
buttoa repeatedly tO _ Mode ,I $_andard
Select the_!Standard," _'_ o_:_
!TMusic," t!M0vie,"0r M_s .< stez-_e
'i Speech'_sound settings.
Choose Standard for the standard factory settings.
Choose _/[usic when watching music videos or concerts.
Choose Mo_ies when watchin_ movies.
Choose Speech when watchinR a show that is mostly dialogue (i.e., news).
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