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Reader Parameters
The barcode reading parameters and values are dependent upon the type of
scanner module mounted in your mobile computer. For a detailed list of
parameters and of their configuration procedures, please refer to the SDK Help
file on the CD.
Scan Parameters
The Scan Parameters are common to all scanner modules and allow control of
the scanning device. The Scan parameters are described as follows:
ScanTimeout: the maximum time, in milliseconds, during which the scanner
remains on without decoding any barcode.
BeepType: if set to dual tone, the good read beep is a sequence of high and
low pitch sounds. If set to monotone, the beep is a single pitch sound.
BeepDuration: the time interval, in milliseconds, during which the beeper will
sound when the scanner reads a code. To disable the beeper, set this value to 0.
BeepFrequency: determines the frequency in Hertz of the beeper.
GoodReadSound: is the beep sound emitted when the scanner reads a code.
LedDuration: the length of the good-read led pulse, in milliseconds.
LedPulses: the number of times the good-read led pulse is emitted when the
scanner reads a code.
ContinuousMode: disables the effect of the ScanTimeout parameter.
KeyboardEmulation: if enabled all scanned data are transformed into keyboard
events and can therefore be displayed and saved to a file as if input from the
mobile computer keyboard.
SoftTrigger: when enabled, the laser can be turned on/off by the application
ScanAlwaysOn: enables the scanner for barcode reading independently from
the application software.
NotPrintableChar: if set to “Remove”, all not printable characters included in
the scanned data are deleted and the final barcode will include only printable
ScanButton: enables/disables the scan button. If the scan button is disabled,
the reader can be triggered under software control.