• Create a virtual router for that interface with a VRID.
vrrp-group vrid
The VRID range is from 1 to 255.
NOTE: The interface must already have a primary IP address defined and be enabled, as shown
in the second example.
• Delete a VRRP group.
no vrrp-group vrid
Example of Configuring VRRP
Example of Verifying the VRRP Configuration
Dell(conf)#int tengig 1/1
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)#vrrp-group 111
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)#show conf
interface Tengigabitethernet 1/1
ip address
vrrp-group 111
no shutdown
Configuring the VRRP Version for an IPv4 Group
For IPv4, you can configure a VRRP group to use one of the following VRRP versions:
• VRRPv2 as defined in RFC 3768, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
• VRRPv3 as defined in RFC 5798, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4 and
You can also migrate a IPv4 group from VRRPv2 to VRRP3.
To configure the VRRP version for IPv4, use the version command in INTERFACE mode.
Example: Configuring VRRP to Use Version 3
The following example configures the IPv4 VRRP 100 group to use VRRP protocol version 3.
You can use the version both command in INTERFACE mode to migrate from VRRPv2 to VRRPv3. When
you set the VRRP version to both, the switch sends only VRRPv3 advertisements but can receive VRRPv2
or VRRPv3 packets.
To migrate an IPv4 VRRP group from VRRPv2 to VRRPv3:
1. Set the switches with the lowest priority to “both”.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)