ip msdp peer connect-source
Example of Configuring MSDP
Example of Viewing Peer Information
R3_E600(conf)#ip multicast-msdp
R3_E600(conf)#ip msdp peer connect-source Loopback 0
R3_E600(conf)#do show ip msdp summary
Peer Addr Local Addr State Source SA Up/Down Description Established Lo 0 1 00:05:29
To view details about a peer, use the show ip msdp peer command in EXEC privilege mode.
Multicast sources in remote domains are stored on the RP in the source-active cache (SA cache). The
system does not create entries in the multicast routing table until there is a local receiver for the
corresponding multicast group.
R3_E600#show ip msdp peer
Peer Addr:
Local Addr: Connect Source: Lo 0
State: Established Up/Down Time: 00:15:20
Timers: KeepAlive 30 sec, Hold time 75 sec
SourceActive packet count (in/out): 8/0
SAs learned from this peer: 1
SA Filtering:
Input (S,G) filter: none
Output (S,G) filter: none
Manage the Source-Active Cache
Each SA-originating RP caches the sources inside its domain (domain-local), and the sources which it has
learned from its peers (domain-remote).
By caching sources:
• domain-local receivers experience a lower join latency
• RPs can transmit SA messages periodically to prevent SA storms
• only sources that are in the cache are advertised in the SA to prevent transmitting multiple copies of
the same source information
Viewing the Source-Active Cache
To view the source-active cache, use the following command.
• View the SA cache.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip msdp sa-cache
Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)