NOTE: If all of the following conditions are true, the Portmode Hybrid configuration is not applied,
because of the configuration process for server ports as switch ports by default:
• The running configuration is saved in flash.
• The startup configuration is deleted.
• The switch is reloaded.
• The saved configuration is copied to the running configuration.
To avoid this scenario, delete the switch port configuration from the running configuration before
copying the saved configuration to the running configuration.
Example of Copying a File to an FTP Server
Example of Importing a File to the Local System
The bold flash shows the local location and the bold ftp shows the remote location.
Dell#copy flash://FTOS-EF- ftp://myusername:mypassword@
27952672 bytes successfully copied
core1#$//copy ftp://myusername:mypassword@
FTOS-EF- flash://
Destination file name [FTOS-EF-]:
26292881 bytes successfully copied
Save the Running-Configuration
The running-configuration contains the current system configuration. Dell Networking recommends
coping your running-configuration to the startup-configuration.
The system uses the startup-configuration during boot-up to configure the system. The startup-
configuration is stored in the internal flash on the IOM by default, but you can save it to a USB flash
device or a remote server.
The commands in this section follow the same format as those commands in theCopy Files to and from
the System section but use the filenames startup-config and running-config. These commands assume
that current directory is the internal flash, which is the system default.
• Save the running-config to the startup-configuration on the internal flash.
EXEC Privilege mode
copy running-config startup-config
• Save the running-configuration on the IOM.
EXEC Privilege mode
copy running-config usbflash://filename
• Save the running-configuration to an FTP server.
EXEC Privilege mode
copy running-config ftp:// username:password@{hostip | hostname}/filepath/
• Save the running-configuration to a TFTP server.
Getting Started