Description and Specifications 5
6888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 1: Description and Specifications
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
Figure 1-4. 6888A Probe with Optional 6888Xi Advanced Electronics
and Calibration Accessories
Advanced Electronics
Figure 1-3. Direct Replacement Probe With Traditional Architecture Electronics
1.2.3 Automatic Calibration
Calibrations consist of introducing bottled gases of known value into the probe so the electron-
ics can make automatic adjustments to the O
readings to match the bottled gas value. 0.4% O
and 8% O
(balance nitrogen) gases are recommended. Never use nitrogen or instrument air as
calibration gases.
Flowmeters (for calibration gases) and regulators and flowmeters (for reference air) are available
as loose components, mounted into an optional manual calibration switching panel, or as a fully
automatic calibration system, Figure 1-4, where calibration solenoids are switched from the
6888Xi Advanced Electronics. See IM-106-340AC, SPS 4000B Single Probe Autocalibration
Sequencer or IM-106-400IMPS, IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Test Gas Sequencer, for addi-
tional details.