
80 Maintenance and Service
ection 5: Maintenance and Service 6888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual
December 2012 PN 51-6888Xi
5.3 Calibration
The 6888Xi can calibrate an O
Probe manually through the front panel display or via a handheld
375/475 Field Communicator, or automatically through the SPS 4001B Single Probe
Autocalibration Sequencer or the IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Test Gas Sequencer.
5.3.1 Automatic Calibration
The 6888Xi can be used with the SPS 4001B or IMPS 4000 in order to perform an auto / semi-
auto calibration. Refer to the SPS 4001B or IMPS 4000 Instruction Manual for further details on
how to configure and perform an automatic calibration.
5.3.2 Manual Calibration
Refer to the "Calibration - General" in Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation to perform
a manual calibration.
FIGURE 5-1. 6888Xi Components