10 Description and Specifications
ection 1: Description and Specifications 6888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual
December 2012 PN 51-6888Xi
XS O2CAL O2 Autocalibration Accessories
Code Single Probe Sequencers Autocalibration Options
00 None
01 SPS 4001B Single Probe Sequencer, general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
Code Intelligent Multiprobe Sequencers (IMPS)
00 None
01 IMPS single-probe, general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
02 IMPS two-probe, general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
03 IMPS three-probe, general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
04 IMPS four-probe, general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
05 IMPS single-probe, 115V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
06 IMPS two-probe, 115V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
07 IMPS three-probe, 115V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
08 IMPS four-probe, 115V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
09 IMPS single-probe, 220V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
10 IMPS two-probe, 220V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
11 IMPS three-probe, 220V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
12 IMPS four-probe, 220V heated general purpose NEMA 4X, includes check valve for probe
Part Number Description
1A99119G01 Two disposable calibration gas bottles - 0.4% and 8% O
, balance nitrogen - 550 liters each*
1A99119G02 Two flow regulators for calibration gas bottles
1A99119G03 Bottle rack
*Calibration gas bottles cannot be shipped via airfreight.
TABLE 1-3. Calibration Glass
Table 1-2. Product Matrix, O
Autocalibration Accessories