66 Configuration, Startup and Operation
ection 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation 6888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual
December 2012 PN 51-6888Xi
15. At the CALIBRATION menu, select RESULT.
16. At the RESULT menu, the results of the calibration will be displayed. In the event the calibra-
tion cycle fails, the reason will be displayed here as well. The calibration results are
described as follows:
Success – Calibration completed successfully.
Failed Constant – The calculated calibration constant is outside the range of ±20.00.
Failed Slope – The calculated calibration slope is outside the range of 34.5 to 57.5.
Failed Temperature – With the extended temperature function enabled and the operating
above the heater set point, the process temperature varied by more than ±5°C during the
calibration cycle.
Gas 1 Tolerance Error – The measured value for gas 1 varied more than ±10% from the pro-
grammed value. Possible causes are incorrect gas value programmed in the 6888XI, incor-
rect gas value in bottle, or gas bottle is empty. This error can occur only if the Tolerance
Check feature is active.
Gas 2 Tolerance Error – The measured value for gas 2 varied more than ±10% from the pro-
grammed value. Possible causes are incorrect gas value programmed in the 6888XI, incor-
rect gas value in bottle, or gas bottle is empty. This error can occur only if the Tolerance
Check feature is active.
AutoCal No Resp – No communication or loss of communication to the SPS4001B or IMPS.
AutoCal OutofSync – Loss of communication synchronization to the SPS4001B or IMPS.
AutoCal Abort – The SPS4001B or IMPS aborted the calibration cycle due to a low gas bot-
tle indication.
WarmUp Abort – Attempted to perform a calibration during warmup.
Alarm Abort – Another alarm occurred and caused the calibration cycle to abort.In the event
of a calibration failure, perform the following steps. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
a. From the RESULT menu, press HOME to return to the main menu.
b. From the main menu, select SERVICE TOOLS.
c. From the OVERVIEW menu, select ALERTS.
d. From the ALERTS menu, select ACTIVE ALERTS.
e. The ACTIVE ALERTS menu should contain an A: CALIBRATION FAILED alarm. Press the
left arrow key to return to the ALERTS menu.
f. From the ALERTS menu, select DEVICE STATUS.
g. From the DEVICE STATUS menu, select ACKNOWLEDGE.
h. From the ACKNOWLEDGE menu, select ACK CALIBRATION FAILED. When the process is
complete, the screen will return to the ACKNOWLEDGE menu.
17. If the Calibration Acknowledge parameter is ON, perform the following steps. Otherwise,
proceed to the next step.
a. Press HOME to return to the main menu.
b. From the main menu, select SERVICE TOOLS.
c. From the OVERVIEW menu, select ALERTS.
d. From the ALERTS menu, select ACTIVE ALERTS.
e. The ACTIVE ALERTS menu should contain an M: CALIBRATION CHANGED alarm. Press
the left arrow key to return to the ALERTS menu.
f. From the ALERTS menu, select DEVICE STATUS.
g. From the DEVICE STATUS menu, select ACKNOWLEDGE.
h. From the ACKNOWLEDGE menu, select ACK CALIBRATION.
i. The next screen shows the CURRENT CAL and NEW CAL slope and constant values.
Press OK to continue.