Configuration, Startup and Operation 25
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
Section 3: Configuration, Startup
and Operation
nstall all protective equipment covers and safety ground leads before equipment startup. Failure to
install covers and ground leads could result in serious injury or death.
If external loop power is used, the power supply must be a safety extra low voltage (SELV) type.
3.1 Overview
Interface to the 6888Xi for setup, calibration and diagnostics can be via a 375/475 Field
Communicator or Asset Management System. Setup, calibration and diagnostic operations will
differ depending on the selected interface for communications with the transmitter.
3.2 Startup
The 6888Xi offers optional advanced features such as extended temperature capability, autocalibra-
tion via an SPS or IMPS, a stoichiometer feature for indicating the level of oxygen deficiency in
reducing conditions, programmable reference to enhance accuracy at near ambient levels of O
plugged diffusor diagnostics to help detect when the diffusor requires maintenance.