
Rev. B
This section describes the specifications for DFX-8500.
1.2.1 Printing Specification
 Print method : Impact dot matrix
 Number of pins : 18-pin (Refer to Figure 1-2.)
 Print pin arrangement : 9 x 2
 Print pin diameter : 0.0114 inches (0.29 mm)
 Color : Black
 Print direction : Bi-directional with logic seeking
 Print speed and printable columns: Refer to Table 1-2.
Table 1-2. Print Speed and Printable Columns
Print Mode Character Pitch Printable Columns Print Speed (cps)
Normal High Duty
High speed draft 10 cpi 136 1120 1066
Draft 10 cpi 136 840 800
12 cpi 163 1008 960
15 cpi 204 630 630
Draft condensed 17 cpi 233 720 685
20 cpi 272 840 800
Draft emphasized 10 cpi 136 420 400
NLQ 10 cpi 136 210 200
12 cpi 163 252 240
15 cpi 204 200 200
NLQ condensed 17 cpi 233 171 171
20 cpi 272 200 200
Notes 1: The line including graphic B0h - FFh or download characters or bit image data will be
printed by “High duty" mode.
Notes 2: The line including special high duty download characters or bit image data will be
printed by one third speed of “High duty” mode.
Notes 3: When the print head temperature rises to the upper limit, the printer stops printing. And
when the print head temperature falls to the normal level, then the printer starts
printing again.
0.35 mm (1/72")
2.82 mm (8/72")
1.69 mm (1/15")
Figure 1-2. Printhead Pin Configuration