Rev. B
Step 5: Remove the front carriage guide shaft by pulling it through the hole in the right side frame. (When
you remove the front carriage guide shaft, move the carriage to the left side.)
Step 6: On the left side frame, remove the E-ring (6) securing the carriage guide shaft gear to the rear
carriage guide shaft, then remove the carriage guide shaft gear and paper thickness sensor holder.
Step 7: Unhook the spring securing the paper thickness sensor assembly and remove the sensor
Paper Thickness
C arriage G uide
Shaft G ear
PG M otor
R ear C arriage G uide Shaft
Figure 3-82. Rear Carriage Guide Shaft Removal
Step 8: Remove the PG motor. (Refer to Section
Step 9: Remove the carriage damper (solid rubber) from the inner side of the right side frame, and remove
the three CBS (M4x8) screws securing the carriage motor holder to the right side frame.
Step 10: Remove the guide shaft holding spring and the E-ring, then remove the right guide shaft holder
Step 11: Remove the two CP(S-P1) (M4x6) screws securing the parallelism adjust lever and remove the
Step 12: Remove the rear carriage guide shaft with the carriage base from the right side frame.
R ear C arriage G uide Shaft
Parallelism Adjustm ent Lever
C P (S -P 1 )(M 4 X 6 )
G uide Shaft H older Lever
(R ight)
G uide Shaft H olding Spring
C P (S -P 1 )(M 4 X 6 )
CBS(M 4X8)
C arriage M otor H older
Figure 3-83. Right Side Frame Removal