Rev. B
The printer can be powered by either of two power supply boards: the 120 V C204 PSB board or the 220/240
V C204 PSE board. The only difference in the operation of these two boards is in the primary circuitry. They
supply power to the printer in the same way. The power supply board outputs the DC current required to drive
the control circuits and printer drive mechanism. Table 2-1 shows the input voltages and fuse ratings of the
boards and Table 2-2 shows the PSB/PSE board output specification.
Table 2-1. Power Supply Boards Input
Board Input Voltage Fuse Ratings
C204 PSB board 120 VAC 12 A /125 VAC
C204 PSE board 220-240 VAC 6.3 A / 250 VAC
Table 2-2. Power Supply Board Output Specification
+37 VDC Line +5V DC Line
Item VP1 VP2 VP3
Rating Output Voltage +37.0 VDC +5.0 VDC
Available Output
Voltage Fluctuation
35.5 - 37.5 VDC 4.75 - 5.25 VDC
Rating Output Current 1.5 A 2.0 A
Available Output
Current Fluctuation
0.0 - 4.5 A*1) 0.0 - 5.0 A*1) 0.0 - 2.0 A
Over Current Protection Yes Yes
Over Current Protection
Reset Method
Turn the power switch off, then turn it again. Or
controlled by C204 MAIN board with /PD signal.
Automatically recovered.
Short Circuit Current Less than 1.0 A Less than 1.0 A
Over Voltage Protection Yes Yes
Over Voltage Protection
Reset Method
Turn the power switch off, then turn it again. Automatically recovered.
Over Voltage Limit Value 42 VDC 7 VDC
*1): +37 V DC line Maximum in total is 13.0 A.