Rev. B
3.1.4 Service Checks After Repair
Before returning the printer after service, use the check list in Table 3-4, which provides a record to make
servicing and shipping more efficient.
Table 3-4. Inspection Check List for the Repaired Printer
Category Item to check Is Check required?
Maintenance Are all necessary adjustments completed? Are
the results of the adjustments within the
specified tolerances? (Refer to CHAPTER 4.)
[ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Check that lubrication and adhesion are correct.
(Refer to CHAPTER 6.)
[ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Operation At the operate switch turns on, does the printer
perform power-on initialization correctly ?
[ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Does the printer work exactly with using the
attached utility program?
[ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
ROM Grade-
What it the ROM version up-dated? [ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Cleaning Is any dust removed from the inside of the
[ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Is the exterior housing clean? [ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Return to Is the operate switch turned off? [ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
customer Is the ribbon cartridge removed? [ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary
Attachments (power cord, optional units, etc.)
are inserted?
[ ] Checked [ ] Not necessary