Setting error log paths
106 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Enabling and disabling error logging
Logging to the Adaptive Server error log is always enabled. However, when
you create or modify a specific user-defined message, you can set it to be
omitted from the log. See “Logging user-defined messages” on page 107.
Setting error log paths
The installation program sets the error log location in the Sybase installation
directory when you configure a new Adaptive Server. Backup Server and
Monitor Server each have their own error logs.
The default location for each server’s error log is:
• Adaptive Server: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/servername.log
• Backup Server: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/servername_back.log
• Monitor Server: $SYBASE/$SYBASE-ASE/install/servername_ms.log
At start-up, you can reset the name and location of the Adaptive Server error
log file from the command line. Use the
-e start-up parameter and value in the
dataserver command to start Adaptive Server.
Note Multiple Adaptive Servers cannot share the same error log. If you install
multiple Adaptive Servers, specify a unique error log file name for each server.
Setting the Adaptive Server error log path
You can change the error log path by editing the
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_server_name file.
For example, to change the error log path from
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/dataserver -d/Devices/ASE_2K.dat -sASE_2K -
i/ASE_150 -e$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/ASE_2K.log -M/ASE_150 to
the $SYBASE directory, type:
$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/bin/dataserver -d/Devices/ASE_2K.dat
-sASE_2K -i/ASE_150 -e$SYBASE/ASE_2K.log -M/ASE_150
For information about using the RUN_server_name file, see “Starting and
Stopping Servers” on page 17.