132 Adaptive Server Enterprise
sort orders 90
binary 91
changing 97
character sets and 90
databases and 90
definition files 90
dictionary 91
spaces in interfaces files 55
Spanish dictionary sort orders 92
SPX network protocol 11, 56
square brackets [ ]
in SQL statements xiv
srt files 90
srvbuild utility 12
starting servers
from UNIX command line 18
with operating system 20
startserver utility 20
start-up script 21
stty settings 33
Sun Solaris
iostat command 44
netstat command 44
network protocol 56
ps command 45
time command 45
timeout period 42
vmstat command 44
sundiag system diagnostic tool 43
supported platforms vii
SYBASE environment variable 4
$SYBASE environment variable as default server name
Sybase globalization support 81, 94, 97
Sybase installation directory xv
SYBASE_ASE environment variable 4
SYBASE_FTS environment variable 4
SYBASE_OCS environment variable 4
SYBASE_SYSAM environment variable 4
database 7, 114
device 7, 9
sybsyntax database 121
device for 9
purpose of 5
sybsystemprocs database 6
in SQL statements xiii, xiv
syntax conventions, Transact-SQL xiii
sysprocsdev device
minimum size for 9
purpose of 5, 6
system audit tables 114
system databases
where stored 9
System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) 40
system messages, translated 82
system procedures, storage location of 6
tab characters in interfaces files 55
table specifications 14
TCP/IP 41, 56
KEEPALIVE option 41
TCP/IP network protocol 11
tempdb database 5
Thai character sets 87
time command
HP-UX 44
IBM RS/6000 44
Sun Solaris 45
TLI protocol 56
translated messages
error (.loc files) 95
system 82
Turkish character sets 88
character conversion 85
hardware error messages 42
network protocol 56
network protocol 56
us_english language 83
user connections 34